Mindful slow yoga

Donation recommended: 50 

We do slow conscious movements and restorative yoga postures, meditate with the body and release stress.


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We will dedicate a month of hot days and holidays to resetting the “working” year. We do Mindful slow flow yoga in which we try to consciously follow the movements and perform them the way we need at that moment. We become aware of the present moment and our inner atmosphere while holding restorative yoga positions.We will emphasize work with the hips and the psoas muscle that “holds” the accumulated adrenaline in us. Emotionally speaking, the hips are the part of the body through which we ground ourselves and “let go into the ground” everything unnecessary. This month we give ourselves time to let go of what we no longer need, to take a break, rearrange our priorities and move forward with a new base.Topics that we cover in August:
  • Mindful slow flow yoga
  • restorative asanas for the hips
  • link of psoas and adrenaline
  • yoga for relaxation
  • relaxation and antistress
  • Mindful yoga
  • letting go of the past
  • yoga Nidra

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