
Yoga now
Yoga and mindfulness for every day I often hear from you that you would like to practice yoga and meditation,

The path of self-discipline
Self-discipline as the basis for following yoga online We would like to exercise and meditate, but what is missing to

Mindfulness for beginners
In Mindfulness meditation we train an alert and compassionate attitude towards all the states we feel (thoughts, emotions and bodily sensations), which leads to carefully considered and smartly implemented action.

The natural way to a stress-free life
5 yogic approaches to deal with stress Term stress, which we use to describe our psycho-physical state, is a derivative

What is mindfulness and why should we meditate
Mindfulness is a way of being, seeing, existing that we practice through meditation. When we are mindful, we have a good balance of wakefulness and relaxation.

Sound critical thinking
For a joyful and free life, we need to break the automatism of bad habits and toxic criticism of our mind. In order for the cooperation of our “body and mind” – “hind and front” brains to be constructive, we embark on the path of awareness. In body meditation, we return to the feeling of the body, listening to body language at the level of emotions and bodily sensations, this is the first and most sincere language that we need to understand.

Yoga for mental health
HOW TO HELP YOURSELF WITH ANXIETY WITH YOGA? A synonym for anxiety is anxiety or tightness. Who is tight and

The chakra system
With a yogic lifestyle, we strive to be free from pain and illness (emotional or physical). Freedom to live life

Metta meditation
Metta – meditation of love Metta is a form of meditation from the Buddhist tradition in which we repeat thoughts

The power of intention
First of all, what is intention? And secondly, why make them conscious? For the purposes of this text, let’s define

The body knows
Body meditation is a training in which we learn to stay in touch with bodily sensations and the pure energy of the body. In doing so, we clearly see which thoughts arise, but we have a distance from the story that is being served to us. We train clarity and the ability to position ourselves so that we have enough space for choice…