Join me

To join regular online yoga program, fill out the registration form agreeing to the terms of use and choose the online yoga membership that suites you. Contact me on mail to discuss your practice, experience with yoga and meditation, needs or possible ailments. The online yoga schedule includes two classes of morning yoga per week, first Sunday of the month a lecture that covers the topic of the month followed by Vinyasa yoga on that topic, second Saturday a mindful slow flow yoga class. I send recordings of all classes that is available for you to practice for a week.

Join me any time regardless of previous experience and practice yoga tailored to your needs!

Choose a monthly membership for online yoga

1. Living yoga 

Do you want to commit yourself to the path of maintaining and establishing mental and physical health through yoga? This membership fee includes regular guidance through WakeUp yoga therapeutic classes and on first Sunday of the month a led class with the lecture on the topic of the month, as well as recordings of all classes with motivational texts. One private training session per month is included, where we go through your personal practice, questions and suggestions together. Members with “living yoga” membership have discounts and priority for yoga events that I organise.

2. Healthy base 

A minimum take to maintain a healthy body and mind and to practice yoga with a right motivation. It includes guided online WakeUp yoga therapy classes, a class on the first Sunday of the month dedicated to the topic of the month, and recordings of those classes with motivational texts.

3. Being pregnant 

Membership includes two online prenatal yoga classes per week that have a therapeutic approach to pregnancy problems, recordings of these classes available for a week, personal access and a support group. The richness of this membership is the guidance of two instructors with a wealth of knowledge about prenatal yoga from their own experience. In yoga classes, we prepare for childbirth and motherhood.

4. Yoga trip 

Single online yoga class of your choice, recording of that class, choosing the topic of the class and talking with Tena if you wish.

Living yoga
Living yoga

Donation recommended:

get started
Healthy base
Healthy base

Donation recommended:

get started
Being pregnant
Being pregnant

Donation recommended:

get started
Private class
Private class

Donation recommended:

get started
Drop in class
Drop in class

Donation recommended:

get started
Connect with me
Feel free to drop me a line

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