
Right intention

From Sunday 3.9. – Sunday 1.10.

Intentions shape our lives. Whether they are aware of it or not, they govern our thoughts, words and actions and thus make up our personality. Karma (the law of actions and the consequences of actions) is nothing but a series of intentions that we react to, so it is very important to be aware of them. This month we look at where we operate from and set clearer intentions to start the autumn season with new motives.

In the practice of asanas, we work with determined still positions, longer stays, asanas for balance and stability in order to hold the space of determination and clarity with your body. We ask questions that illuminate the sparks of our actions. We sensitize ourselves to see where the habits we want to release/change come from and introduce affirmations for new ways of acting.

Topics that we cover in September:

  • standing asanas
  • positions for stability and balance
  • a calm quality of power
  • slow stretching
  • upright posture
  • determination and clarity
  • mindfulness meditation
  • positive affirmations