Join me → Living yoga
Donation recommended: 80€
- One private class per month
- Introductory workshop
- Morning classes online yoga
- Saturday class Mindful slow flow yoga
- Recording of a 10-minute class
- Recordings of all classes
- Motivational texts
- Guidance through yoga topics
- Advantage for yoga retreats
Personal commitment to the path of maintaining mental and physical health through yoga. Membership includes all guided online yoga classes: Mondays and Thursdays, the first Saturday of the month a class dedicated to the theme of the month, the second Saturday a Mindful slow flow class, one short class for each morning and recordings of these classes with motivational texts. One private consultation class per month is included in which we go through your practice, questions and suggestions together. Members who “live yoga” have priority for the yoga events that I organize.
1. Payment via internet banking
online banking application
Your data is not stored; they are only used on this page for code generation purposes.
2. Bank payment
Udruga Biševo, Porat 13, 21485 Komiža
Account number (IBAN):
Model and approval number reference:
Enter in the "model" box 00.
In the "Recipient number reference" field, enter the payment date in the format DAYMONTH (example 0105).
Payment description:
Monthly membership fee YOUR NAME AND SURNAME