It is wonderful to see the atmosphere created in a yoga class where we are all welcome with exactly what we carry inside us. Everyone will use their body to express the movement in a different way and they cannot make a mistake because that is exactly how it is supposed to be.
For a joyful and free life, we need to break the automatism of bad habits and toxic criticism of our mind. In order for the cooperation of our “body and mind” – “hind and front” brains to be constructive, we embark on the path of awareness. In body meditation, we return to the feeling of the body, listening to body language at the level of emotions and bodily sensations, this is the first and most sincere language that we need to understand.
We consider yoga to be a holistic discipline, because we see through our own experience how the body influences the mind and vice versa, we see how all systems are constantly communicating with each other. Yogic transformation comes from love and joy, not guilt and rigidity. <3