Yoga Therapy
Knowledge is the greatest value, and health is the greatest wealth.
When we know something well in that area, we have more freedom. For example, if we know how to use a programming language very well, we have great freedom to program whatever we need (e.g. a website, a new application, a program…) The same is true of our body, it is in a way a program and if we understand it well, we have great freedom to manage, move and maintain health. This does not mean that we should all be doctors to know how the body works, doctors understand the human body very well and none of us has that “human body” but we all have our own body and our own conditioning – which are unique. The thesis is that we need to get to know ourselves, take the knowledge that we have learned about health as a civilization and apply it to ourselves, adapt it. We can learn to manage our own, personal energy mechanism – our body and mind and thereby improve our quality of life. This should not be a privilege, it should be learned in elementary school.
This is where Yoga comes in as an ancient science of self-knowledge (without mystifying the word – the science of understanding oneself) and the methods we can apply to ourselves to maintain the balance of our system. Yoga offers numerous excellent tips and practical instructions that serve to maintain health, solve health problems, reduce stress and generally improve the quality of life. The good old motto “a healthy mind in a healthy body”. Some of these methods we do not need, and others will make a huge difference in our lives, that is why we need to have personal experience. As a discipline from another culture, yoga is under increased skepticism in our society, but fortunately, recently, renowned Western scientists have been dealing with the benefits of yoga that are measurable, and sometimes seem to be more successful than medical methods.
All those who understand that a pill does not necessarily solve the cause of the problem have decided to solve the problem deeper, at the root.
The main characteristic required for the practice of yoga is a personal willingness to invest effort and will, in other words, the only obstacle is laziness. Our health is in our hands. Professional help, such as doctors, counselors and instructors help to give instructions and guidelines on how to treat ourselves and maintain our health, but in the end, everyone still needs to work and invest effort on their own.
In the sea of everything called yoga, there is a direction called “yoga therapy”; it is practiced by teachers who have a good understanding of ancient but also scientific methods so that the practice of yoga has a therapeutic effect, and is free from religious connotation.
My teaching resonates in this way, I put methods that specifically help solve a problem at the forefront. Through movements, breath, focusing on a certain part, stretching and a compassionate attitude, we can touch our body consciously and purposefully and work out the muscles and tissues that keep us trapped in pain – in this way we learn direct self-knowledge and become our own master. On my YouTube playlist you will find many yoga classes that address a specific problem, question or part of the body with exercises, for example a class to reduce lower back pain, tension in the shoulders and neck, sciatica, meditations for relaxation…
Therapeutic yoga is a broad field supported by a wealth of knowledge, and in the name of the idea of educating ourselves and learning about ourselves in this way, I launched a series of yoga therapy workshops Zdrav’ko yoga with my colleagues. The project is intended for yoga enthusiasts and anyone who wants to learn more about their body and mind through the knowledge offered by the theory and practice of yoga. The tools that yoga practice offers are explored in various ways to solve health problems that we often encounter and complement classical therapy. The workshop leaders are long-time yoga teachers who emphasize the therapeutic aspect of yoga in their practice. Find a topic that interests you at the Zdrav’ko yoga series of therapeutic workshops and join us.
More information…
Let’s learn to regulate and maintain our own health through yoga, find a topic and create your own yoga therapy:
Tu nastupa Yoga kao drevna znanost o samospoznaji (bez da mistificiram tu riječ – nauk o razumjevanju samoga sebe) te o metodama koje možemo primjeniti za sebe kako bi održali balans svojeg sustava. Yoga nudi brojne izvrsne savjete i praktične upute koji služe održavanju zdravlja, rješavanju zdravstvenih tegoba, redukciji stresa i općenitom poboljšanju kvalitete života. Stari dobri moto “zdrav duh u zdravom tijelu”. Neke od tih metoda nam ne trebaju, a druge će nam učiniti ogromnu razliku u životu, zato trebamo imati osobno iskustvo. Kao disciplina iz druge kulture yoga je u našem društvu pod povečalom skepticizma no na sreću u zadnje se vrijeme renomirani zapadnjački znanstvenici bave s dobrobitima yoge koje su mjerljive, a čini se ponekad i uspješnije od medicinskih metoda.
Svi koji razumiju da tableta nužno ne rješava uzrok problema odlučili su se za dublje, korijensko rješavanje problema.
Glavna karakteristika potrebna za praksu yoge je osobna spremnost da se uloži trud i volja, drugim riječima jedina prepreka je lijenost. Naše zdravlje je u našim rukama. Stručna pomoć, kao što su doktori, savjetnici i instruktori pomažu dati upute i smjernice kako se liječiti te održavati zdravlje no na kraju svatko ipak treba sam raditi i uložiti trud.
U moru svega što se naziva yoga postoji smjer “yoga terapija” njom se bave učitelji koji dobro razumiju drevne ali i znanstvene metode kako da praksa yoge ima terapijski učinak, a bude slobodna od religijskih konotacija.
Na taj način rezonira i moje podučavanje, u prvi plan stavljam metode koje ciljano pomažu pri rješavanju nekog problema. Pokretima, dahom, stavljanjem pažnje na neki dio, istezanjem i suosjećajnim stavom možemo dotaknuti svoje tijelo svjesno i ciljano te razrađivati mišiće i tkiva koji nas drže zarobljenima u boli – tim putem učimo direktnu samospoznaju i postajemo svoj majstor. Na mojoj YouTube playlisti pronaći ćete mnoge sate yoge koji vježbama adresiraju određeni problem, pitanje ili dio tijela, na primjer sat za reducirati bol u donjim leima, napetost u ramenima i vratu, išijas, meditacije za opuštanje…
Terapijska yoga je široko područje podkrijepljeno bogatim znanjem, a u ime ideje da se na taj način educiramo i učimo sami o sebi s kolegicama sam pokrenula seriju yoga terapijskih radionica Zdrav’ko yoga. Projekt je namijenjen yoga entuzijastima i svima koji žele saznati više o svojem tijelu i umu kroz znanje koje nude teorija i praksa yoge. Na razne načine istražuju se alati koje yogijska praksa nudi u svrhu rješavanja zdravstvenih tegoba s kojima se često susrećemo i nadopune klasičnoj terapiji. Voditelji radionica su dugogodišnji yoga učitelji koji u svojoj praksi stavljaju naglasak na terapijski aspekt yoge. Na Zdrav’ko yoga seriji terapijskih radionica pronađite temu koja vas zanima i pridružite nam se.
Više informacija…
Naučimo se sami regulirati i održavati svoje zdravlje putem yoge, potražite temu i napravite svoju yoga terapiju:


