Join me → Drop in class

Donation recommended: 20
Drop in class
  • Online yoga class
  • Live participation
  • Recorded class

One online yoga class of your choice and a recording of that class. For this donation, you can also request one yoga class from the recording package at the yoga shop.

1. Payment via internet banking

The barcode can be scanned with the
online banking application

Your data is not stored; they are only used on this page for code generation purposes.

2. Bank payment

Udruga Biševo, Porat 13, 21485 Komiža

Account number (IBAN):


Model and approval number reference:
Enter in the "model" box 00.
In the "Recipient number reference" field, enter the payment date in the format DAYMONTH (example 0105).

Payment description:
Monthly membership fee YOUR NAME AND SURNAME